EQA Dataset

EQA v1.0

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9,000 questions from 774 environments


  • v1.0 contains location, color, and place preposition questions
  • Includes bounding box annotations for target object and room
  • The train, val, test splits have no overlap in environments
  • Numbers (in papers, etc.) should be reported on v1.0 test


  'splits': {
    'train': [
    'val': [...],
    'test': [...],
  'questions': {
    '04ae3acd3052cd841158c793d2aa7ab2': [
        'id': 296682,
        'question': 'what room is the playstation located in?',
        'answer': 'living room',
        'type': 'location',
        'bbox': [
            'box': {
              'max': [51.46499584966768, 0.6355870163111009, 30.724973313243318],
              'min': [51.17500185614954, 0.5217500136674362, 30.435025319724154]
            'name': 'playstation',
            'target': True,
            'type': 'object'
            'box': {
              'max': [52.47473515522324, 2.739999938756229, 32.65480191177438],
              'min': [46.33526263620115, 0, 27.4647918665828]
            'name': ['living room'],
            'target': False,
            'type': 'room'

EQA-Humans v1.0

Navigation trajectories and answers collected from humans on AMT for 1,162 questions across 70 environments are available here.